BWG Lifestyle Club


Looking After Your Mental and Physical Health During a Pandemic

Woman Alone

As the world is gripped by the current Coronavirus pandemic, more and more reports of mental health issues are arising. Many of us are facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. Public health actions, such as social distancing, are necessary to reduce the spread of COVID-19, but they can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety.

 It's always been an important factor to take care of one’s mental wellbeing, but healthcare officials are noticing a massive rise in fear, worry and concern, as well as other more harmful symptoms. Reports have shown that during the pandemic, about 4 in 10 adults have reported symptoms of anxiety or depressive disorder, which is a significant increase from the one in ten adults who reported these symptoms from January to June 2019.


Healthy ways to cope with anxiety and stress


Although it is a part of everyday life, and relatively normal to experience certain levels of worry, frustration and even anger, it’s imperative that you keep yourself grounded and in order to do this, we’ve listed some great ideas below to assist with this.


1.      Take a break from the news.

While it is a good idea to stay informed, constantly hearing about the pandemic, or any other gloomy news topics can be upsetting and have a negative impact on your state of mind. Consider limiting you access to, and disconnect yourself from any source that reports on local news. This includes social media.
Rather listen to a podcast or read a great book. You could also visit the Wellness section of our website for some feel-good quotes and sayings – whatever distracts you and keeps your mind balanced.


2.      Take care of your body.

A healthy body often plays hand in hand with a healthy mind. When you exercise regularly, your body releases endorphins, which in turn, makes you feel good. Physical activity can actually make you function better and sleep better. Even one session of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity helps to reduce anxiety, fosters normal growth and development, improves overall health, and can even reduce the risk of various chronic diseases.

Some simple tasks such as taking deep breaths, stretching, meditation and even getting a good night’s sleep could have great benefits for your body.


You could even try the BWG Detox. By removing and eliminating toxins, then feeding your body with healthy nutrients, detoxifying can help the body with regeneration and renewal, allowing for a healthy mind and heightened capabilities. The BWG Detox Experience involves cleansing programmes, bio-assessments, food scans, remote global scans, health and vitality plans and much more.


3.      Make time to unwind.

The world we live in today is fast paced and we all experience never ending levels of stress and fatigue. It is so vitally important to take a step back and take a break from time to time. Try doing some activities that you enjoy or try out something new! Go on a Champagne Tour or have a Luxury Villa Experience. With 24/7 concierge services and a wide selection of properties all over the globe, you could make your “time off” an unforgettable experience, sure to take away any thoughts of stress you may have had.

Whatever action you decide to take, remember to look after yourself. Your mental and physical wellbeing should always remain first and foremost, your top priority.