BWG Lifestyle Club


We're still in a pandemic - Important Things to Remember to Stop the Spread.

COVID-19 is still happening and dangerously infecting many people. Although lockdowns have eased and we're all trying to move forward, we want to remind you of some of the most basic ways to stop the spread.

With our easy access to news via social media, many of us are experiencing information fatigue. Every day we are blasted with numbers (mostly rising), percentages, and data. From the comforts of our home, we can easily forget the reality that over 9 million people have contracted the virus globally. Countries like the US have experienced a surge in cases (data as of June 21). But with the sun out and brightly shining, places opening up and restrictions carefully lifted, we tend to forget about precautionary measures. Remember that they are as important today as they were in March or May.

I believe that a holistically healthy and fit person not only looks out for their personal well-being, but also cares for others. That means one must also be empathetic when a pandemic threatens the public health of the nation. So when you step out, remember to protect yourself, and if you feel invincible, consider following these very important things to protect others.

Mind your Hands.

It's established that viruses are surrounded in a lipid and fatty shell. Soap dissolves fats, so an act as doable as washing your hands can help save a life. Observe proper handwashing etiquette. When you are out and do not have access to a bar of soap and clean hand washing area, hand sanitizers are the next viable option. Just remember that this is not something you can replace handwashing with. Sanitizers are not as effective as soap and water, and it can be harmful because some people have this false sense of security in using it. Sanitizing does not mean you can touch your face or anyone else's!

Gloves are also causing quite the noise on discussion boards and social media. Many health practitioners are against it, while others are do not want to risk exposure at all. You can go and diligently research on why you should or should not go out with gloves. My take: do not touch your face!

Wear a Mask.

Face shields, face masks, cloth masks, n-95 masks, surgical masks, expensive branded masks… whatever is more comfortable and affordable for you, go get them, and whatever you do, wear them when you step out of your house. It's all about protection. You can argue all you want about the 'negative effects' masks have on you 'personally', but science backs up the safety and security of wearing mask. Even a cotton bandana masks shows up to 10-30 percent increase in protection. So let's not even discuss this without your mask on.

Grocery run with safety.

For the people who continue to shelter in at home, going to the grocer to stock up on supplies is the outing of the week. It can be a very stressful activity and it can most definitely cause paranoia if there are a lot of people. Impose safety measures and be proactive about sanitation. Wear less jewelry and accessories. Use paper to list down items to buy instead of using your cellphone. This can help decrease exposure of surfaces that you are often in contact with. Use a paper envelope to store cash so you can throw it out after. Prepare a sanitation area outside your home where you can spray disinfectant on your purchases.

Socialize with Safety

We really took for granted all those dinners and parties, and movie nights, and happy hours, didn't we? I surely miss sharing a meal in a crowded restaurant with my friends. But things are different now, and we must be smart about socializing.

Health experts recommend keeping group sizes to less than 10 people. Avoid poorly ventilated areas and instead go where there is fresh air.

For more information on how to safely socialize now, read this.

Finally, Exercise away from crowds

Medical experts are still unsure of the risk of outdoor exercise. One study found that you had to be in a jogger's direct airstream for a straight five minutes to contract the virus. But what about those who bike or walk past you? The safest and surest option is to go to an isolated area. Or better yet, workout at home.

We've compiled a list of free home workouts you can try:

So as we try to find some semblance of normalcy, remember, it is much better to err on the side of safety.