BWG Lifestyle Club


Dress Yourself Happy

Having a sense of personal style may just be the key to your happiness. It can be the direct link to your peace of mind and general wellbeing. Fashion can often be used as a mechanism from which we enhance our self-perceptions. By giving ourselves the freedom and power to dress as we please, we also mask our insecurities and enhance our preferred features thus contributing to an increasingly positive, optimistic view of ourselves. Furthermore, feeling positive about our bodies and capabilities has been known to assist us in dealing with negative situations more comfortably. So the next time you plan on going out, make sure to wear your favourite heels or lucky underwear – it could make all the difference to your happiness.


Increasing your confidence

Most people tend to perform better in life when they exude the self-confidence required to do so. Dressing for success is not just a clique saying, it really is true. When you look and feel good, those around you instantly pick it up and treat you with the respect they think you deserve. Spending an extra minute in the mirror perfecting your look, reinforces the idea that you deserve success and good treatment, and could mean the difference in your everyday life.


Build Consistency

If you think about it, getting dressed in the morning is something you have to do, every day. Seeing as it’s a must do, why not do it well? By planning your outfits the night before, it gives you a sense of action and reward, rather than just throwing something on which could help your state of mind. Habits can be hard to make, but this simple step is a shortcut to making yourself feel successful, before the day has even really begun.


Give yourself a sense of accomplishment

It’s been said that if you win the morning, you win the day. By setting yourself a goal and then accomplishing it first thing in the morning, you trick your mind into thinking that you’ve accomplished something and sets you on an instant high. What better way to do this, than to have a stylish, well-thought out outfit all ready and laid out for you to simply, “get into”. You’ll leave the house in a great mood, knowing you’ve accomplished your first goal for the day, and this should set the tone for the rest of your day.


Bring joy to others

There is nothing worse than riding the train, and walking the streets to find every second person looking drab and dull. Isn’t it boring to see how everyone always dressed in blacks, greys and just plain subdued attire? When you do see someone dressed up in bright colours and strutting their stuff, does it not leave you in awe, and almost bring a smile to you face? Why not be a leader? Dress well and start sparking some joy in this world!


Dressing up is a form of self-care

When something is important to you, you take the time to care for it. Every time you dress well, you subconsciously tell yourself that you matter, and that your life is important. Wearing our favourite brands or finest clothes on days where we don't feel our best can make us feel better and act as our potential armour. The feeling of being put-together is something personal to all of us and most people believe in the feeling that comes from knowing you look good.

Even wearing traditional or cultural clothing can make us feel protected. It reflects an adherence to religion or a specific culture, whereas trend-led pieces can actually give others around you a sense of social status.

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Wearing a brand such as BWG Lifestyle, shows that you seek to inspire, guide, and motivate people, with the goal of contributing to what we stand for.

It therefore stands to question whether it’s what you wear that enhances your wellbeing, or rather what it stands for in our social circles. In saying this, your sense of style has the potential to mediate relationships with others, which in turn, can positively affect your mental health and wellbeing.