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The Benefits Of A Swedish Massage

Most arguably one of the most common and sought after types of massage, the Swedish massage did not originate in Sweden, nor was it created by a Swedish person. But what makes this type of massage so effective and requested by millions the world over?

Comprising of five massage techniques, the Swedish massage helps to relieve your body from tiredness, muscle aches, knots and stress. We take an in-depth look at Swedish massage, what it entails and why it is so beneficial.

Where the Swedish Massage originated from

Dutch doctor Johann Georg Mezger was the true founder of the Swedish Massage. He had a formal interest in gymnastics and was a talented gymnast. He had a true gift for understanding physiology (the study of how the human body works). While completing his medical studies he practiced the French “friction methods” and in 1868, he wrote a dissertation, based on what is now the therapeutic basis of Swedish Massage. His five techniques used to treat patients are still used to this day.

The five techniques of Swedish Massage are:

  • Effleurage (Long gliding strokes)

  • Petrissage (Kneading of the muscles

  • Friction (Firm, circular rubbing motions)

  • Tapotement (Tapping or percussive movements)

  • Vibration (Shaking particular muscles)

Effleurage involves long gliding strokes which helps to stimulate the circulatory system which in turn improves the blood flow throughout your body.

Petrissage is the kneading of the muscles. Your masseuse will gently kneed, wring and squeeze particular muscles all over the skin. This puts pressure on the underlying muscles and relieves muscle strains.

Friction refers to the firm and focused rubbing technique that is applied to a specific area, usually using just the fingers or the thumbs. Compression is often applied in a circular rhythm (Circular Friction) or in perpendicular rhythm (Transverse Friction).

A rhythmic percussion, tapotement is most frequently administered with the edge of the hand, a cupped hand or the tips of the fingers. There are five types of tapotement including Beating, Slapping, Hacking, Tapping and Cupping. This movement focuses on alleviating muscle tension and improves lymph drainage.

Vibration is when the tissues of the body are pressed and released in an "up and down" movement. This often takes the form of a fine trembling movement applied using the palm of the hand or the fingertips of either or both hands.

Swedish massage provides relaxation. This is due to the gliding strokes done on the body in the direction of blood returning to the heart.

So what are the benefits of a Swedish Massage?

The benefits of a Swedish Massage are extensive. This is the reason it is the most common type of massage. Not only does it provide relaxation and stress relief, but it also boosts the immune system and has many mental and physical health benefits.

When Aromatherapy is coupled with Swedish Massage, the benefits are greatly increased. Aromatherapy is when you conduct Swedish massage, using essential oils (highly concentrated plant oils). During an aromatherapy massage, you inhale these essential oil molecules or absorb them into your skin.


Helps you relax and destress

Swedish Massage helps in calming the nerves which in turn alleviates the stress from your body. When we are stressed, our mood and state of mind tends to change, which reduces our clarity of thinking. Swedish massage is therefore extremely beneficial in lowering the responses of your mind and body to stress.

Essential Oils for relaxation and stress include lavender oil, clary sage oil.

Improves posture and muscle flexibility

When using gliding strokes during Swedish massage, this elongates the muscles and reduces muscle tension. It can so add flexibility to your muscles and joints, thus increasing your muscles range of motion. Overworked muscles are one of the most common causes of posture imbalance, and by easing the muscular holding you can improve your posture.

Essential Oils for sore muscles include eucalyptus oil, German chamomile oil, Roman chamomile oil.


Improves blood circulation

One of the biggest benefits of a Swedish Massage is that it aids blood circulation. By widening the blood vessels and stimulating your circulatory system, fresher blood flows through your organs and muscles. More fresh blood to your organs means more nutrient supply. Our muscles depend on these nutrients specifically for growth and endurance.

Essential Oils for blood circulation include cypress oil, ginger oil.

Improves your mental health

Swedish Massage has been proven to increase the levels of your serotonin and dopamine, which are two very important hormones responsible for putting you in a good mood.  One of the biggest benefits of Swedish Massage, these hormones will also assist you in falling asleep faster, and you may even experience better sleep because of it. This in turn leads you to feel better emotionally and improves your general wellbeing.

Essential Oils for a good mood include bergamot oil, jasmine oil, cinnamon oil.


Boosts your immune system

As mentioned previously, Swedish Massage is a great way to increase the production of healthy, new, white blood cells (also known as lymphocytes). Made in the bone marrow, white blood cells move throughout the body and wards off bacteria and viruses, meaning that they play an essential role in our immune system.

Essential Oils for a good mood include rosemary oil, oregano oil.



Swedish Massage helps to clear the body and mind of unwanted responses to stress. It improves posture and increases flexibility. It improves blood circulation and thus improves your immune system. It also improves your mental health. When your body feels great, so do you – so why not book a Swedish Massage today?