BWG Lifestyle Club


Tips for Travelling Overseas during Covid

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Whether it be for business or leisure, there may come a time where you need to travel during the Covid pandemic. As careful as one may be, we’ve put together a list of tips and tricks that could be helpful as you prepare for your next trip abroad.


Before you leave

If you have not yet travelled during the Covid pandemic, you may need to take a look at the latest rules and regulations, as plenty has changed. There are at least 100 countries or territories that currently have restrictions or requirements of travellers from the UK. This makes travelling much more challenging than before, and as a result, you may need to make additional preparations to your travel plans.

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According to Gov.UK, there are a few rules if you are planning to travel internationally from England. Firstly, it is vital that you check the rules and advise of the country and territory you are traveling to. It is not sufficient to rely on the information regarding the UK, as there many be very different rules at your arrival destination. If you have not complied with their rules and regulations, you may very well be sent back home on the first flight out. It is important to check for your destination’s entry and quarantine requirements before you book. There may also be limits on group numbers and curfews which you will have to comply with from the moment you arrive. You may be asked whether you have been fully vaccinated, or whether you have had a negative test result and you may be required to supply proof.


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It is also very important that the Coronavirus pandemic is currently still a threat in many parts of the world. Travel disruptions are bound to happen, and countries may close their borders at short notice, at any given time. Whilst this can be extremely annoying, there is not much that can be done, so it is best to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. If you are planning a trip, it may be worth looking into some form of travel alert App or notification system that can keep you as updated as possible. If required, book any tests or quarantine hotel packages you may need and find out what you need to do when you return to England.


On your return

Countries and territories are listed as either red, amber or green. According to the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), people fully vaccinated with an NHS-administrated vaccine need not self-isolate on the return trip from an amber listed country, except for those returning from France.


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Anybody travelling to England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland must provide proof of a negative coronavirus test, despite being fully vaccinated or not. This must be done within 72 hours prior to the return journey, and anyone testing positive prior to travel will not be permitted to travel back. You will then be required to follow local rules regarding isolation and could incur additional costs during this time.


Also, you’ll need to be very aware of your travel plans in case of travelling from country to country. If, for example, you travel to an amber listed country, but came from a red listed country within the 10 days before you arrive in England, you will need to follow the rules for red listed countries.


With all the above in mind, try to enjoy the travel whilst visiting the foreign country, but remain cautious and practice safety protocol at all times.