BWG Lifestyle Club


Covid-19 Safety Tips For The Holidays

December is all about Christmas and the holidays. Whether you’re skiing, snowboarding or just spending quality time with the family indoors, it’s a great time to unwind and reflect on the past year. And whilst this has been a difficult year for most, it’s important to remember to stay safe over the Christmas period, reducing the risk of spreading the virus that has disrupted the world.

Here are some tips to help you in staying healthy over the festive period:


Celebrate at home

Whilst many want to get out and visit family and friends, it may be wise to try and stay home rather. Prepare a special or traditional dish with those in your household. Make new traditions and host a virtual dinner, sharing recipes with others. Put up some decorations and take the opportunity to have your own little photoshoot with your family in the comfort of your own space. Watch movies or sporting events and get the family to join in. Shop online as opposed to in the stores. Not only is this better for keeping healthy, but you will avoid those long queues and not have to walk from shop to shop in order to find the items that you are looking for.


If you gather, do it wisely

Where possible, stay outside in the fresh air. If you are indoors, keep the area well ventilated. Keep your gatherings small and try to stay local. Always remember to wear a mask and social distance, especially if you are out in public. The washing and santising of your hands should be a priority, especially before eating. If you haven’t already done so, get vaccinated and encourage other attendees to do so as well.



Large gatherings. These have been proven to be super-spreaders, largely when held indoors. Avoid buffets and sharing food/drinks including utensils. Try to stay away from places with crowds such as shopping malls, and try to reduce the number of events you attend, specifically where you know there are going to be large numbers of people attending. If you are aware of the fact that someone is ill with Covid, or just sick in general, try to avoid contact. Whilst it may be sad to do so, your health and that of those around you is at risk. Never think that it “won’t happen to me”.



Get vaccinated, wear a mask and sanitise/wash your hands. If you need to sneeze, try doing so in your elbow. Avoid shaking hands as far as possible and maintain a safe distance from those around you when socialising. If you plan on meeting people, try to do so outdoors. Another huge factor is limiting hoe often you touch your face. The average person touches their face more than sixteen times per hour! We touch our faces so often that the odds of infecting yourself, or recontaminating your hands after you’ve washed/sanitised is extremely high.


Using the above guidelines should help prevent you from getting sick over the festive season. Here’s hoping that you spend the time relaxing from the strenuous year and that you allow yourself some time to set new goals for the new year. Happy Holidays!